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Use AI securely.

Ensure your company data remains protected while utilizing AI tools.

Your staff uses AI, whether you like it or not.From work laptops, personal devices, they can access chatGPT, AI web extensions, and an infinite amount of AI-powered SaaS.There's always a way. Which means company data is at risk.Confidential data could be leaked, accessed by unauthorized third parties, or used to train AI models.Doesn't look good, no?Use AI securely is an initiative to train company employees to use AI tools securely so that the risks mentioned above never materialize.It's currently free. Anyone can register to the course and learn how to use safely ChatGPT and similar AI tools.

The problem

It's never the right moment

Most companies still think training employees on AI safe use can wait.Sure it can wait, but waiting has a price.AI is booming right now, which means that employees are left by themselves figuring out how to protect their privacy and their company's information.Without the right knowledge, they're likely to do mistakes.How many did send confidential company information without turning off conversation history?So many companies have had their employees feeding sensitive information to the chatbot, unintendedly training the model.Don't let this be your company anymore.The best moment to act is now.

Our mission

Safely using ChatGPT

ChatGPT is by far the most known and influencial generative AI product.That's why we believe learning to use it safely is important.We believe that:1. A course focused on ChatGPT will engage better the students.2. If people learn to adopt the right behaviours with ChatGPT, they would then maintain them with other large conversational assistants.In other words, learning to securely use ChatGPT is the first step to a safer use of AI tools, that are about to invade our workplaces.Thousands of students already learned how to use AI securely.But for our mission to be accomplished and make a real impact, we need 100x more people.That's why you can now join the course for free.

Don't be mistaken. We believe that Bard, Claude, and other popular general purpose AI tools deserve the same caution.Is this because the companies running them are especially risky?No. It's just that AI tools are relatively new and people must get used to interacting safely with them.This principle is also valid for AI-Users need education to avoid putting data at risk.

The solution

Take 35 minutes, avoid hours of dealing with troubles.

Handling data breaches, or costs associated with confidential information having leaked, is painful.You can avoid this.We believe that education can be a powerful tool to fix the "weakest" link of the security chain.Secure AI education is all the more important that the AI boom plays on our tendency to fear missing out shiny objects.People are tempted to try new SaaS, new extensions, without thinking too much about security. Appropriate training can act as a barrier.Our ChatGPT security training isn't perfect. However, we did our best to keep making it more impactful, concrete, rythmed, so that students would both gain valuable knowledge and stay engaged.We reduced it from 2h to 35 minutes, because we realised everyone is busy.Our promise is to deliver the essentials of protecting company data when interacting with ChatGPT as an employee in these 35 minutes.I hope it will be useful.Best, Tristan

Case studies

They avoided leaking confidential data to ChatGPT.

Many companies followed our AI security training and saw increased awareness of their staff. Employees felt more confident using AI tools securely, applying what they learned to protect sensitive information.Testimonial"This training was a game-changer for our team. It was concise, engaging, and extremely relevant. We've seen a significant improvement in how our employees handle AI tools securely." - Company CISO.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is AI security important for my company?

AI security is crucial because it helps protect sensitive data from unauthorized access and misuse. As AI tools become more integrated into business operations, ensuring their secure use prevents data breaches, protects intellectual property, and maintains regulatory compliance.

What are the common risks associated with using AI tools?

Common risks include data breaches, unauthorized access to sensitive information, exploitation of AI systems by malicious actors, and inadvertent data leaks through unsecured AI applications. Additionally, there are risks of AI models being manipulated or biased, leading to incorrect or harmful outputs.

How can we ensure our data is secure when using AI tools like ChatGPT?

To ensure data security:
1. Implement strict access controls and authentication mechanisms.
2. Train employees on best practices for using AI tools securely.
3. Monitor AI tool usage for any suspicious activities.

What are the best practices for using AI securely in a business environment?

Best practices include:1. Limiting access to AI tools to authorized personnel.
2. Using data anonymization techniques to protect sensitive information.
3. Ensuring AI models are regularly updated and patched for vulnerabilities.
4. Conducting regular security audits and assessments.
5. Educating employees about the importance of AI security and proper usage protocols.

What should I do if I suspect a data breach involving AI tools?

If you suspect a data breach:1. Immediately disconnect the affected systems from the network to prevent further data loss.
2. Notify your IT security team and relevant stakeholders.
3. Conduct a thorough investigation to identify the breach source and extent of the damage.
4. Follow your company’s data breach response plan, including notifying affected parties and regulatory bodies if necessary.
5. Review and strengthen your security protocols to prevent future breaches.

How can AI tools be used to enhance cybersecurity?

AI tools can enhance cybersecurity by:1. Detecting and responding to threats in real-time through anomaly detection and pattern recognition.
2. Automating routine security tasks, such as monitoring and analyzing security logs.
3. Predicting potential security threats based on historical data.
4. Enhancing incident response through faster analysis and remediation.
5. Improving security documentation management, leaving more time for core security tasks.

Are there specific regulations governing the secure use of AI?

Yes, there are several regulations and guidelines that govern the secure use of AI, such as:1. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, which emphasizes data protection and privacy.
2. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States, which focuses on consumer data privacy.
3. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) AI Risk Management Framework, which provides guidelines for managing AI-related risks.
4. Industry-specific regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for healthcare data.

How can we train our employees to use AI tools securely?

Training employees involves:1. Conducting regular training sessions on AI security best practices.
2. Providing practical examples and case studies of AI security breaches and how to avoid them.
3. Offering resources and guidelines on secure AI usage.
4. Encouraging a culture of security awareness and vigilance.
5. Evaluating the effectiveness of training programs through assessments and feedback.

What steps should be taken to secure AI models and their outputs?

To secure AI models and their outputs:1. Ensure the integrity of training data by using trusted and verified sources.
2. Implement access controls to restrict who can modify or retrain AI models.
3. Use techniques like differential privacy to protect individual data points in the training data.
4. Regularly validate and test AI models to ensure they perform as expected and are not biased.
5. Monitor AI model outputs for anomalies or unexpected behavior.

How can I learn to use AI more securely?

We previously shared a course focused on teaching how to use ChatGPT safely. Now, we're aware other AI tools exist. For this reason, we released an assistant that will guide you on using securely the AI tools you need. Check out here.

That's not enough

AI governance isn't only staff training

Training your staff to the secure use of chatGPT is a valuable first step, but is only a part of properly governing AI.For more guidance on the secure deployment of artificial intelligence in your company, we recommend you following the excellent newsletter Deploy Securely. It's not ours, just a resource we recommend for its quality.

© Use AI Securely. A BetterISMS initiative. All rights reserved.